Throughout the Book of Esther there is no mention of God. Because of that, some “scholars” have suggested that the book is not inspired by the holy spirit and therefore, must not be part of the Scriptures.

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God is not in control of the world. No, not yet, for the whole world is still lying in the power of the evil one. That’s the reason James advises followers of Christ to keep themselves without spot from the world (Jas 1:27), and to keep their distance from it, for friendship with the world is enmity with God (Jas 4:4a). Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is making himself an enemy of God (Jas 4:4b).

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Those who are wise in their own eyes who presume to know the truth, but do not, those who keep seeking to establish their own righteousness instead of subjecting themselves to the righteousness of God; they are the ones to whom Jesus will say, “I never knew you! Get away from me, you who practice lawlessness!”

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If you desire to do the will of God (Jo 7:17) it is God who shall lead you to find the real Christ (Jo 6:65), through the shepherds that God Himself has sent (Ro 10:15).
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Happiness comes from finding peace. There is no amount of material possessions that shall make you happy without peace.

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Good works resulting from obedience are necessary (Jas 2:26). God requires them of you to prove your Faith in God. You cannot claim to love God if you do not love others, especially your brothers in Christ (1Joh 4:20). Similarly, your love of others can only be proven by your good works (Mt 19:21; 1Joh 3:16-18). There are good works that you can boast of, and there are good works that you cannot. It will take a people after God’s heart to discern the difference (Ac 13:22; Joh 7:17).


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Is the Old Covenant way of worship the same as the New Covenant way? Look at how the Israelites then worshipped in the Old Covenant, to understand how you must now worship in the New Covenant.


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(Never-Ending) NEW BEGINNING

For people of the world, the new year brings reassurance of a new beginning, and hope for the much-desired new life. The reassurance however, is temporary and fleeting. Always beginning and yet never able to completely come to fruition. Always discovering and yet never able to find life’s meaning.


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Friends unlike the world today, the Jews then do not remember or celebrate their birthdays, and that includes Jesus. Here is why,

“… the day of death [is] better than the day of birth.”

Ecclesiastes 7:1 NIV

“The end of a matter is better than its beginning…”

Ecclesiastes 7:8 NIV


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Belief Or Faith?

Do not be misled, belief is not the same as faith. Belief is about what you know, while Faith is about OBEDIENCE because you believe. Faith is not just believing. The demons believe there is one God, yet, they do not have faith to obey His will.


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Born of Water and Spirit

To be born again is for you to be born of water and spirit. Unless anyone is, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God (Joh 3:5).

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Discerning the Word of God

The Scriptures speak of the hidden wisdom of God. When Jesus Christ came to the world to reveal it, not one of the experts of the Scriptures came to understand. These days, preachers, teachers, and folks who presume they have the wisdom to teach the word of God say, just read, as if to say anyone that reads it will understand. Is it really that simple and effortless?

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Faith Is Obedience

Belief is when you accept the teachings of Christ, Faith is when you OBEY and DO them.

“Why, then, do you call me ‘Lord! Lord! but do not do the things I say?” (Luke 6:46)


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Faith Is To Take The Will Of God As Your Own

Faith means to take the will of God and make it your own.

Then shall you be able to do it with all your mind, with all your heart and with all your life.

Blessed are you who are given wisdom to discern truth from lie.


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Faith that Saves not

When you seek to establish your righteousness through your own way (Ro 10:3) instead of God's way, you make yourself your own god (Ro 6:16) and so, fail to prove your love for God. Hence, your good works become works of iniquity (Mat 7:23)

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Faith must be with works, without works it is not faith at all (Jas 2:26).


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Good Works You Can Never Boast Of

Good works resulting from obedience are necessary (Jas 2:26). God requires them of you to prove your Faith in God. You cannot claim to love God if you do not love others, especially your brothers in Christ (1Joh 4:20).

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God alone is good, nobody else is (Mr 10:18). That’s the reason He has provided a way for you to be perfected.

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How Must You Love God?

If the greatest and first commandment is to love God above all (Mt 22:37-38), how must you prove your love to God?

You prove your love with faith, by offering your life (Ro 12:1) in a covenant, to trust and to obey the will of God (Gen 17:1; He 11:8) . There is no love for God greater than this (Jo 15:13).


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Hypocrisy In Faith

"Do not be misled, God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Galatians 6:7).


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Light And Salt

A Christian is a Disciple of Christ. As disciple, he receives the holy spirit, like Jesus Christ did (Lu 4:18), to continue the work that his Lord had started (Jo 20:21), the work of witnessing (Ac 1:8) to the truth. A disciple who fulfills this obligation (Ec 12:13) becomes a LIGHT or a SALT to the world.


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List of Commandments or Record of a Covenant

The Old Testament and the New Testament, are they lists of commandments, or records of covenants?

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Loving Your Neighbor Does Not Always Count

To a disciple of Christ, loving your neighbor does not always count. Here’s why.

Loving God comes before loving your neighbor. You must fist prove your love for God before you can love your neighbor.


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New Year, New Life And The Last Of Your Endless New Beginnings

The new year brings reassurance of a new beginning and a new life. But may this year be different, for if done right, the new life that you promise should be the last of your previously endless new beginnings.


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Speaking in Tongues

To speak in tongues is to speak the hidden wisdom of God (1Cor 2:7) in simple, clear and comprehensible words, yet neither hypocrites nor wicked ones at all can understand. But the ones having the wisdom of God will understand (Da 12:10).

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The Key That Opens Up Your Heart To Jesus Christ

Every preacher of the Holy Scriptures teaches that baptism is repentance. What no one teaches is that baptism is not a repentance from your sins but, it is a covenant with God that you shall turn around from being disobedient, to being obedient to His will.

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It is widely believed that Jesus Christ was executed on the “cross”, but Christians use it as a symbol of Christ and of their faith. Imagine if he was executed by beheading with the sword, will you be using the sword as a symbol of Christ and of your faith? Imagine further if Christ had come to the world a little later and had been executed by a firing squad, or by electric chair, or by gas chamber, or by lethal injection what would you be using as his symbol? By whatever means the hypocrites had executed Christ, no physical symbol is appropriate.

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Can anyone be a witness for Christ? Anyone that has received the seal, the holy spirit, can and must be a witness for Christ. Without the spirit, no one can.

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Who Really Is Your God?

You can not slave for two masters (Matthew 6:24). Either you are a slave of your own will and so, you are your own god (Romans 6:16), or you are a slave of God's will (Romans 6:22) and therefore, God is your own God (Hebrews 8:10).


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Why Jesus Christ Had to Be Baptized

Jesus did not need to repent from sins for he was without sin (Heb 4:15), why did he go through baptism?

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Your Will Is Your Life

The world teaches you to, “Love yourself, before you can love others”. But Christ teaches you that, the greatest love is to surrender your life to God, for the sake of your brothers in faith (John 15:13; 1John 3:16).

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With God All Things Are Possible

This verse is intended for true disciples of Christ. Nowadays, however, even hypocrites use it to claim deliverance from all sort of difficulties that they themselves create. What message does Christ want to convey?

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