Friends, to speak in tongues is not to utter unintelligible, incoherent, and obscure words that no one can comprehend. Hypocrites also speak with such tongues.
To speak in tongues is to speak the hidden wisdom of God (1Cor 2:7) in simple, clear and comprehensible words, yet neither hypocrites nor wicked ones at all can understand. But the ones having the wisdom of God will understand (Da 12:10).
The Lord Jesus had spoken in tongues to the leaders of their faith, for none of them had grasped the meaning of his message (1Cor 2:8; Jo 8:43). It was as if Jesus had spoken in a language that was entirely unknown to them.
The wisdom of God is foolishness to the wicked (2Ti 3:7, 13), and a stumbling block to the transgressors (Ho 14:9), but to the ones having faith, it is God’s power for salvation (1Cor 1:18).
Think about it and let the ones who have ears listen.