Our world is over-crowded nowadays with bible-wielding teachers who put more emphasis on grace rather than on faith. As a result, many have been led and misled into believing that grace is what saves them, instead of their faith in Christ. Despite numerous Scriptural testimonies that the righteous one shall live by faith still, faith is taking a backseat in people’s heart and mind.
Friends, grace means God’s goodness. It is because of God’s goodness that you are being saved through faith. Faith is the gift of God, not grace. For it is through faith in Christ that you shall be perfected and saved, instead of the various works of Law on eating, drinking, washing, and all these mundane works that are never able to make you perfect (He 9:9; 10:1). With faith, there is no more ground for boasting (Eph 2:8), and there is no more basis for the self-righteous demeanor that the Pharisees, Scribes and Priests were notorious for, because it is no longer you, but the spirit through you, that performs the good works that God has prepared in advance that you must do (Eph 2:10).
God alone is good, nobody else is (Mr 10:18). That’s the reason He has provided a way for you to be perfected, not through these works of Law made up of rules and regulations, for no one is perfected by them (He 7:19), but only through faith in Jesus Christ (Ga 2:16), by doing the works that the spirit shall empower you to perform (1Cor 12: 4-11), in the good work of witnessing for Christ (Ac 1:8; Mt 28:19).
That is the yoke that everyone who has received the holy spirit must undertake (Mt 10:38), to be counted worthy of the sufferings and tribulations of being a disciple of Christ (Rev 7:14; Php 1:29; Ac 14:22). You become perfect after these sufferings (He 2:10), and so, are glorified together with Christ (Ro 8:17).
It is because God is good that He is giving you a gift to become perfect, through your faith in Jesus Christ.
Think about it.