12-20-2022 Edgar Halog


Friends unlike the world today, the Jews then do not remember or celebrate their birthdays, and that includes Jesus. Here is why,

“… the day of death [is] better than the day of birth.”

Ecclesiastes 7:1 NIV

“The end of a matter is better than its beginning…”

Ecclesiastes 7:8 NIV

We all live for a reason, and that is to do the will of God (Ec 12:13). If we fail to, the life we live becomes useless, and everything we live for becomes pure vanity (Ec 12:8).

Christ’s death and resurrection was the completion of his reason for being. That is what Christ wants us to remember. And every time we remember that we are dead to doing bad and alive to doing good (Is 1:16; Ro 6:11-13), we remember and proclaim our faith, our hope, and our love for Christ until he comes (1Cor 11:26). As a disciple of Christ what is your reason for being?

Think about it.


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