2022-01-05 14:40:11.0 Edgar Halog

Faith that Saves not

Faith in Christ saves you from judgment (Eph 2:8; Joh 3:18). And faith in Christ brings about righteousness (Ga 2:16; Ro 5:1). But there is faith that is worthless to God and saves you not. See the following verses:

1. “And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; ang though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but DO NOT HAVE LOVE, I am nothing.” (1Cor 13:2) 2. “Many will say to me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, cast out demons in your name, and done many wonders in your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you who practice lawlessness!'” (Mat 7:22-23)

Faith without LOVE for God does not save you, even if, with such faith you can “remove mountains”, or “understand all mysteries”, or "prophesy", or “cast out demons”, or “do many wonders” in Christ's name. The love for God is the greatest and first of all commandments (Mat 22:38) so, you must first prove your love for God before He approves you as a son.

God's way of knowing your love is by the circumcision of your heart, when by faith, you enter into a Covenant with God to turn around from a disobedient to an obedient life (1Joh 5:3). This is the will of God you must first of all do (Mat 7:21). By the circumcision of their hearts (Deu 30:6; Mat 3:16; Ro 2:29), Abraham and the Lord Jesus have signed the Covenant in a metaphorical way, to signify their faith to rest from their own will (Heb 4:10), to do the Father’s will. And for that, they have received God’s approval (Ge 15:6, 22:12; Mat 3:17).

There is no greater love than the love of one who surrenders his will (Joh 15:13). When you surrender your will to God, you surrender your life (1Joh 3:16), and for doing so, God bestows upon you the holy spirit as a gift of approval (Mat 3:11, 16, 17; Ro 8:9).

Unless the holy spirit is in you, the rest of your good works shall not be counted as works of faith (Eph 2:10) but as works of disobedience or lawlessness (1Cor 13:2; Mat 7:23), because you have not loved God, to subject yourself to God's way of obtaining righteousness. Instead, you have sought to establish your own (Ro 10:3), which makes you your own god, for it is yourself that you obey (Ro 6:16).

Blessed are those who are given wisdom to discern between truth and lie.

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