2023-01-23 21:50:57.0 Edgar Halog


Is the Old Covenant way of worship the same as the New Covenant way? Look at how the Israelites then worshipped in the Old Covenant, to understand how you must now worship in the New Covenant.

Then, the Old Covenant was written on stone tablets. Now, God shall put His New Covenant in your mind, and in your heart, He shall write them.

Then, circumcision was of the flesh by a written law. Now, circumcision is of the heart by spirit.

Then, sabbath was rest of the flesh from work, once every week. Now, sabbath is rest from doing your own will, to do the will of God once for all time.

Then, God had only one temple; that was the building erected by Solomon. So, worshippers have to go to that building no matter how distant from the temple they may reside. Now, that temple was destroyed by the will of God; and God’s temple has become the heart of the faithful. So, worshippers have no more building to go to.

Then, worship was through mundane rules and rituals of eating, drinking, washing, etc., which only benefit the flesh but were unable to make you perfect, for even the hypocrites do them. Now, worship is in spirit and in truth which benefit the spirit. It is the only way prescribed by God to make you perfect. Hypocrites are counted out for only true worshippers can worship as such.

Then, sacrifices and offerings of grains, and of whole burnt animals were made as a form of worship. But these have become a burden to God, even if they were offered according to law. Now, sacrifice as a form of worship is to offer your body as a living sacrifice for the sake of the brothers, in service to God, once for all time, just as Christ had done as a pattern to follow.

Then, the priesthood was of the tribe of Levi who needed to collect tithes to provide for their needs. Now, the priesthood has been changed to the tribe of Judah, of which Jesus is the High Priest, who does not need to be replaced because he lives forever. Moreover, he has no use for your tithes.

Then, the Old Covenant belonged only to the literal Israel (by race) whose heart were of stone, and so were disobedient to the covenant. Now, the New Covenant belongs to the spiritual Israel (covering the entire human race) whose heart are true, and so who shall be faithful to the covenant.

The Old was literal and pertained only to the flesh, while the New has become spiritual and pertains to the spirit. It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh counts for nothing. Are the Old and the New Covenant way of worship the same? Judge for yourself, but seek to make righteous judgment, so you may worship God just as He is, and submit to His way of righteousness, instead of establishing your own.

Blessed are the ones who have wisdom to discern between truth and lie.


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