2022-12-10 10:54:21.0 Edgar Halog


Can anyone be a witness for Christ? Anyone that has received the seal, the holy spirit, can and must be a witness for Christ. Without the spirit, no one can.

Friends, it is a mistaken belief that anyone can just go out and witness for Christ. That work is a sacred duty that only God can assign. And He gives it to the ones He Himself choses (Ro 10:15; Jo 15:16) and seals with the holy spirit (Jo 20:21-22).

It is the holy spirit that bestows power (Ac 1:8) and assigns gifts (1Cor 12:4-11) to enable you to bear witness for Christ (Jo 15:26-27). Without the spirit you may prophesy, expel demons and perform powerful works in Christ’s name and yet he will only say, “I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness.” (Mt 7:21-23).

Think about it.



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