2023-11-14 12:58:02.0 Edgar Halog


A priest or a pastor of our days is what the Scriptures call a shepherd of sheep. But a shepherd of Christ’s sheep is, in fact, a disciple of Christ. And to his disciples this is what Christ says, “He that listens to you listens to me too. And he that disregards you disregards me too” (Lu 10:16). By the authority of the holy spirit that has been given them (Jo 15:26-27)), God has sent them forth (Ro 10:15) to do the sacred work of bearing witness to the truth (Ac 1:8), and to making more disciples for their Lord (Mt 28:19). As shepherds of their Master’s sheep, they are to look after the flock willingly, free from the love of dishonest gain, and not lording it over them, but becoming examples to the flock (1Pe 5:2-3). A shepherd who is otherwise, is not a true shepherd of Christ’s sheep, but a stranger. And the sheep that follows a stranger’s voice do not belong to Christ for the sheep know the voice of their Master. A stranger they will by no means follow but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers (Jo 10:5).
If you desire to do the will of God (Jo 7:17) it is God who shall lead you to find the real Christ (Jo 6:65), through the shepherds that God Himself has sent (Ro 10:15).
Please think about it.

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