11-21-2024 Edgar Halog


The Christ did not mean for believers to be divided. The two flocks of the Lord are to become one flock for there is only one Shepherd (Jo 10:16). However, religions have divided Christ by dividing the flock.
This is how the Scriptures put it: “One of you says, ‘I follow Paul’; another, ‘I follow Apollos’; another, ‘I follow Cephas’; still another, ‘I follow Christ.’ Christ exists divided.” (1 Cor 1:12-13). It is no different today when you say, “I’m of this religion”, another, “I belong to that denomination”, and still another, “I follow this religion“.
Against the will of God, believers are being divided. If you proclaim religion does not save why be in it? Get out of it (Rev 18:4)! By our faith in Christ we become one in an assembly that cannot be seen (Lu 17:20-21). An assembly of the faithful ones who had committed their lives in a covenant (He 8:10) to obey the will of God. They were chosen by God (Is 43:10; 15) from the beginning of this world order to its end (Mt 8:11). It is faith in Christ that saves you, it is faith that unifies, but it is religions that divide.

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